Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I don't do sad well. Pretty much all of my negative emotions end up getting channelled into frustration or anger. So it should come as no surprise that today was a very red day when you learn that as of this morning, I am single. My life is not my own, so sharing it becomes even more of a joke.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Everything makes me angry this morning. I suck it up to do the right thing and end up getting kicked in the ass for it. Valuable lessons are learned, and it's not even 8:30 yet.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Another night, I'm down again. My moods have been like a circus ride for the past month, and maybe some of it is chemical, but most of it's just the way it is. I feel like a square peg trying desperately to shave off my corners trying to fit into any hole I can find. I haven't taken any of the Ambien they gave me yet, but tonight I'm thinking about it--I have a feeling like I won't sleep well without it. I fear addiction to pharmaceuticals when I'm so blatantly addicted to bad situations, how ironic is that? I may not be crazy. Maybe I'm just a fool.